MRS University Chapter Cologne
Fostering Materials Science at the University of Cologne
The MRS University Chapter at the University of Cologne is the first international university chapter recognized by both the Materials Research Society (MRS) and European Materials Research Society (E-MRS). Our aim is to foster Materials Science as an interdisciplinary and international field of research at the University of Cologne. Established in 2013 the MRS University Chapter Cologne has established the Materials Science Lecture Series as a regular event with internationally acclaimed speakers. Student Mixers provide a perfect opportunity for undergarduate and graduate students to interact with the invited guests in a relaxed atmosphere. In addition, we organize various events throuought the year and participate at the annual meetings of the American and European Materials Research Societies MRS and E-MRS.
All chapter activities are led by graduate and undergraduate students, supported by Faculty Advisors of the Department of Chemistry. If you are interested, join our team today and be part of the MRS University Chapter Cologne!
The focus of CSS 2022 in Krakow is on interdisciplinary cooperation concerning future strategies in the areas of sustainability and well-being applied to the research areas of energy, medicine, and functional materials (ceramics). The participants of the CSS 2022 Krakow have the opportunity to use existing networks and develop new synergies based on them.
The explicit goal of CSS 2022 Krakow is to prepare the next generation of young scientists for the future challenges of the ever-growing population and potential problems of sustainable energy supply and storage, medical care and prevention as well as the sustainable production of functional ceramics along the entire approaching the value chain for well-being on an international and interdisciplinary level.
Further information can be found under
We are happy to pronounce our 5th International Sustainability Workshop focuses on Building Global Partnerships for Sustainable Development (SDG no. 17).
SDG 17 aims to “strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”, however, what does that mean for a university and its researchers in practice? How can global partnerships be built up in order to address SDGs? Together with the International Office, we will discuss the concept of
“Global Responsibility”. The International Office is building up university cooperation around the world, e.g. Myanmar, Afghanistan, Morocco, Egypt or Nigeria. Join our discussion on how global partnerships can help to achieve the Sustainability Development Goals.
When: 29th of October from 1 pm - 3 pm (CEST)
Where: The workshop will be hosted via ZOOM
Why should I participate: Take the chance to actively get engaged by listening, discussing and building up a mindset for cooperation to achieve a more sustainable world.
Free Registration:
More information can be found under:
Science education deals with processes related to the natural and physical world and thus is crucial to shape a modern sustainable society. The engagement of impactful but greener and affordable scientific experiments in early-stage education such in schools or undergraduate studies lay the foundation for an early development of awareness for sustainability.The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) Germany Chapter and the Materials Research Society (MRS) International Chapter at the University of Cologne have the great pleasure to invite you to the “4th International Sustainability Workshop focuses on Sustainability in Science Education. We bring together students, professors, and researchers, who are actively contributing to science education .
When: 30th of July from 3 pm - 5 pm (CEST)
Where: The workshop will be hosted via ZOOM
Why should I participate: Take the chance to actively get engaged by listening and discussing changes in the education of the next generation.
The participation to the workshop is free. Due to the limited number of participants, we will register you on first come – first served basis.
The Sustainability Initiative of the University of Cologne, which is carefully supported by the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) Germany Chapter and the Materials Research Society (MRS) University Chapter, organized a workshop titled: Gender Equality – Women in Science. Indeed, a highly discussed topic nowadays, which spans a wide range of occupations. 80 participants from all over the world, just to name a few: Italy, Switzerland, Canada, Hungary, Spain, Nigeria, Sweden, Ghana, America, and England, joined in this workshop.
“Is the gender gap still a topic in the academia world, in particular for women in science, and what can we do to tackle this problem in a constructively way?” – was one of the profound questions that were asked during the workshop.
In this workshop a group of high-level scientists’ women springs from academia and industry, including a representative of UN WOMEN, to share and discuss their experiences whenever they encounter any difficulties in their careers. Their motivating stories and opinions on how they moved up in their career and managed their work-life balance to be successful in their professional work and handle the family besides. This extrapolated a portrait of what barriers women encountered in science in the past, but also what challenges and stereotypes are still to be overcome, striving to close the gap!
The overall goal of this workshop was to encourage young women not to hold back and follow their dreams!
Check out our highlight video!
Gender euqlity means to them...
Have you ever asked yourself if and how your professional career is affected by your gender? Besides nutritious talks, questions like ‘How can we come together to take action?‘ and others will be part of our next workshop. The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) Germany Chapter and the Materials Research Society (MRS) International Chapter at the University of Cologne have the great pleasure to invite you to the “3rd International Sustainability Workshop focuses on Gender Equality”. Women from different areas will share their experiences and give an insight into Women in Science.
When: 5th of March from 1 pm - 3 pm (CET)
Where: The workshop will be hosted via ZOOM
Why should I participate: Take the chance to actively get involved into this timely interesting topic. Hear, discuss and change.
The International Rhine Round Table (hosted by the ACerS Chapter Germany and the MRS Chapter Cologne) was established as a platform to connect researchers from industry and academia, who are active in the field of ceramics and glass technology. Besides facilitating scientific discussions among world-class experts on the emerging trends in science and technology of ceramics materials and glass, this forum offers a common space to discuss shared interests among different professional societies in Germany, Europe and other regions worldwide to promote collaboration in research and training. Renowned international experts will participate this year to showcase their recent developments in fundamental and applied R&D, and to discuss new models for improving the engagement of young scientists in professional activities and societies.The participation to the event is free of charge.
Find more out @Rhine Ceramics Chapter Germany!
We would like to thank once again Dr. Stephanie Bölts and Dr. Rachael Relph for their talks in the 2nd International Workshop on Sustainable Work Environment.
The lecture of Dr. Rachael Relph, from My Green Lab, focused on the impact of scientific laboratories on the environment. With very impressive facts in the fields of energy, water, and waste, she impressed and motivated us to take more responsibility in order to achieve more environmentally friendly work in the laboratories. With the simple slogan “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” she pointed a way out, whereby we can become more sustainable with small practices every single day.
During breakout sessions in small groups, the attendees had the chance to think about possibilities they could change in their own facilities. Based on 5 of the 17 SGDs the attendees become more sensitive for what it means to be sustainable. In conclusion, we have collected many good ideas to be more sustainable. These includes sharing chemicals and instruments, centralizing purchasing, and avoiding duplication.
After coming back from the breakout sessions, with a lot of smiles over all faces, Dr. Stephanie Bölts continued the workshop, who is also the project manager of EUniWell. She gave an introduction of what EUniWell is all about, which is a partner project out of 7 universities with 102 associated partner institutions and 354 project partners.
EUniWell promotes international well-being for each student, member, and staff and focuses on the SDGs. Due to that EUniWell empowers our cutting-edge research, education, and training through interdisciplinary areas.
If you want to hear more about this fresh initiative, do not miss the Lunch Day on 17th of November 2020.
Are you further interested in sustainability and would like to be sustainable? Join the next workshop in January!
The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) Germany Chapter and the Materials Research Society (MRS) International Chapter at the University of Cologne have the great pleasure to invite you to the “2nd International Online Workshop on Sustainable Work Environment", which aims to learn and realise sustainability in laboratory.
When: 3rd November 2020 from 4 pm to 5:30 pm CET.
Where: The workshop will be held via ZOOM.
Why should I participate: To experience an interactive discussion and training session that will enable you to champion the UNSDGs!
How: Please register here or find more information on
The participation to the workshop is free. Due to the limited number of participants, we will register you on first come - first served basis.
Invited Speakers:
Christina Greever (My Green Lab)
Dr. Stephanie Bölts (EUniWell)
While providing a discussion platform among international students and researchers, the workshop is designed to move from subject awareness and understanding towards critical evaluations of current research topics to the final implementation into research activities of participants.
We, the MRS University Chapter Cologne and friends, want to express our gratitude for your dedicated and seminal work as former president MRS University Chapter Cologne! We all miss your harmony and joyful charisma in our group.
Dr. Isabel Gessner was always our driver for student engagement activities at the institute through the organization of MRS lecture series with high-quality talks and on-site at MRS Fall/Spring Meetings since 2015. We thank you for suitable mentoring commitments that connecting new MRS Chapter members to international experts on cutting-edge nanotechnologies for sustainable innovations and career development programs. Your leading work was a highlight by the first student-led symposium on “Nanotechnology and Sustainability” at the MRS Fall Meeting in Boston 2017. Isabel’s never-ending motivation on activities on spreading the word of sustainability in daily life, in her research at the University of Cologne and within the framework of MRS task force “Focus on Sustainability” revealed her passion for global collaboration on sustainable developments. Thank you, Isabel, for sharing your vision on the responsibility of sustainability beyond our research activity. We wish you all the best in your new postdoc position at the Harvard medical school and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA and are very happy that you are preserved as our advisor.
The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) Germany Chapter and the Materials Research Society (MRS) International Chapter at the University of Cologne have the great pleasure to invite you to an International Online Workshop on "Sustainable Growth through Scientific Collaboration", which aims to discuss the importance of sustainability in scientific research and their impact on the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG).
The aim of this two-hour workshop is to raise the general awareness of the nexus between materials, materials research, and sustainable laboratory practices to support the UNSDG.
02:00 pm Introduction (Prof. Dr. Dr. (h.c.) Sanjay Mathur)
02:10 pm Ceramics Chapter (René Weißing)
02:20 pm MRS University Chapter (David Graf)
02:30 pm The Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs (Dr. Isabel Gessner)
02:40 pm Sustainable Education and Networking (Dr. Aida Raauf)
02:50 pm Sustainability in Industry (Anna Schmidt-Verma)
03:00 pm Open discussion round (Dr. Thomas Fischer)
03:30 pm estimated end of the workshop
Why should I participate: To experience an interactive discussion and training session that will enable you to champion the UNSDGs!
When: The workshop will be held via zoom on 28th September from 2:00 to 4:00 pm CET (9:00 to 11:00 pm JST; 8:00 to 10:00 pm CST; 5:00 to 7:00 am PT; 8:00 to 10:00 am ET).
Who should participate: Scientists interested in learning and implementing sustainable laboratory practices.
Together with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, the ACerS and MRS University Chapter Cologne organized an event focussing on the role of Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma) Gandhi in the 21st Century. Birad Rajaram Yajnik, trustee of Indira Ghandi National Centre for the Arts and holder of one of the largest private collections of memorabilia on Mahatma Gandhi will give a talk on Friday, August, 21st from 6.30 p.m. - 7.30 p.m. (IST). Gandhi has and still does influence our way of thinking and his role in the peaceful revolution of India is undoubtably one of the most impressive acts for freedom. This year, Gandhi would have turned 150 years old and it would be interesting to know what he would have to say...
You can register for the invent at this link:
This event is jointly organized by The American Ceramic Society Germany Chapter and MRS/E-MRS International Chapter
The MRS University Chapter at the University of Cologne organized this event, composed of invited talks, panel discussions and a poster session, which will focus heavily on biomedicine, catalysis, sensors and energy harvesting emphasizing the concept of sustainability and materials criticality.
Materials Science Lecture Symposium:
Prof. Dr. Danilo Suvorov from the "Advanced Materials Department, Jožef Stefan Institute", Ljubljana, Slovenia on "Tailoring of Microstructure in Layered Cobaltates and Perovskite Manganates: Oxide Candidates for p- and n-type Thermoelectrics"
Prof. Dr. Hua-Tay Lin from the "School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology", Guangzhou, China on "Guangdong Innovation and Entrepreneurial Research Team Program on Advanced Manufacturing of Technical Ceramics"
Thank you for these interesting talks and a great discussion during our students talk!